Page 2 - Refinishing Brochure 2018
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Tetrosyl has been working withinthe RefinishIndustryfor over 50 years. Tetrosyls experience andtechnical expertise has developed a superior advanced waterborne paint
syste m, aqua-tthat meetsthe de mands ofthe VRG market.
Aqua-t waterborne colour syste m co mplies with allthelatest VOC e mission legislation and provides bodyshops with an econo mic, high quality and si mple solutionto beco ming co mpliant. Continualresearch and develop mentinto body work perfection has developed a co mprehensiverange of vario morphic co mpounds and a variosurface bodyfiller.
Tetrosylrefinishing provides a co mpleterangeforthe vehiclerefinishing market.
The Colour Coatings Develop ment Centreisfully staffed and equippedtolook afterthe needs oftherefinishing & crashrepair markets sectors, with products developedin-house andextensivelytestedinboththelaboratoryandthetest market.Thesefacilitiesinclude 2full-sizedlo w-bake spray booths & ovens,industry standard bench-top and hand-held spectrophoto meters,including multi-angle, usingthelatest soft warefor predictive matching and quality consistency.
This centre studies ne w develop mentsin materialstechnologyfro m our supplier partners, to enable usto bringthese develop ments quicklyinto products. We utilise such equip ment as GC, FT-IR, Couli metrictitro meter, Rheo meter, accelerated weathering machine,
Digital Electron Microscope etc etc. Theseite ms of equip ment enable ustore main attheforefront of product develop ments but especiallyinresin and poly mer
technology, colourtrends, nanotechnology andthelatest advance mentsin water-basedtechnology.
A d a m M at h er ( B SC , M R S C, C CH E M , C SCI ) GroupTechnical Manager