Page 30 - Refinishing Brochure 2018
P. 30

12 Ancillaries
Aurelia Bold Nitrile Gloves
100% Latex Free, black nitrile gloves. Manufacturedto meet EN455 CE Class 1 medical grade, P P E C at III, E N 4 2 0, E N 3 8 8, E N 3 7 4, E N 1 1 8 6 F o o d c o nt a ct a p pr o v e d a n d A Q L 1. S.
Product Case Qty Size Code Barcode
Nitrile Gloves- Medical Grade 10 M NGB002 9555002105211 Bl a c k ( P o w d er Fr e e 1 0 0 p a c k )
Nitrile Gloves- Medical Grade 10 Bl a c k ( P o w d er Fr e e 1 0 0 p a c k )
Nitrile Gloves- Medical Grade 10 Bl a c k ( P o w d er Fr e e 1 0 0 p a c k )
L NGB003 9555002105228 XL NGB004 9555002105235
Aurelia Robust Grip Nitrile Gloves
Pre miu m quality yello w nitrile gloves with excellent dia mond gripfinish, offering greatertensile strength and protection. These po wderfree nitrile gloves are a mbidextrous with a beaded cuff and latexfree. Manufacturedto meet AQL 1.5, EN 455 1-4, EN 420: 2003 + A 1: 2009, EN 374 2-3, EN 388 &EN1186Foodcontactapproved.
Robust Grip Nitrile Gloves Y ell o w ( 5 0 p er p a c k )
Robust Grip Nitrile Gloves Y ell o w ( 5 0 p er p a c k )
Robust Grip Nitrile Gloves Y ell o w ( 5 0 p er p a c k )
Tack Rags
Case Qty Size 10 M
10 L 10 XL
Code Barcode
NRG101 0781311665170
NRG102 0781311665187 NRG103 0781311665194
A professional grade Tack Ragfor use before spraying, ensuring atop classfinish. Re moves dust, fluff and getsthe vehiclereadyfor coating. Eachragisindividually wrapped.
Product Case Qty Size Code Barcode
Tack Rags 20 - UTR001 5010372015217
Underbody Coating Gun
Underbodycoatinggunisforuse withTetrosylStoneChipor Tetraschutz 1L products.
Underbody Coating Gun 1 Std UBA000
B er g T hi n n er s P u m p
Purpose builtto pu mp solventsfro mthe various 25L barrelsinthe Refinishingrange.
Product Case Qty Size Code Barcode BergThinners Pu mp 1 25L BTP001 5010372996639
Barcode 5010372761008
Case Qty Size Code

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