Page 2 - Winter Brochure 2018
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Br a n d s
Tetrosyl has been unfreezing and protecting motorist sincethe 1950’s, with an extensive range of winter car care products. These rangesinclude allthe winter essentialsfro m de-icer, screen wash, antifreeze, scrapers and accessories rangingfro m wiper bladesto sno w shovels.
With products and brandsto suit every market and budget we continually revie w ourfor mulationsto ensure our products arethe safest and most effective onthe market. The harsh winters can betotally unpredictable and Tetrosyl’s abilityto produce and deliver over a million De-icer aerosols and a million litres of screen wash per week puts usinthe spotlight when de mandis at an all-ti me peak.
CarPlanisthe UK’s biggest na mein winter motoring, today’s rangeis very co mprehensive covering every motorists winter needs with ne w additionsincluding fragranced screen washes, pre-icers,ice scrapers and
sno w shovels. CarPlanis al ways atthe cutting edge of ne w technology with ne w patentedfor mulas such as De monIce, the world’sfirst “2in 1”ice preventer and de-icer.
Bluecolisthe original No 1 Pre miu m Anti-Freeze brand and has caredfor and protected engine cooling syste ms since 1937. Bluecolfor many years wasthe originalfillin many makes of vehiclesincluding Jaguar, Rover, Land Rover, Bentley,Hillman,Triumphand MGtonameafewaswell
as most ofthe major bus co mpanies and co m mercial truck operators.
Tetrosyl purchasedthe prestigious brandin 2007 and has continuedto bring ne w andinnovative patentedfor mulations tothe marketto ensurethe Bluecol range has a wide variety of cleaning, maintenance and accessory productsto meetthe needs of all seasons.
The Autoche m rangeis made up of winter essential de-icers, screen wash, anti-freeze and scrapers ai med atthe budget conscious without sacrificing on safety or quality.
Wi nte